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A life well lived with a woman he loved, sharing eternity helping others.
This is a place where you can go for mental physical and emotional healing
We need to be careful what we tell ourselves or what people tell us. We respond to them. This is a good example of what a false belief can cause.
Many times we're not even aware of what we are thinking and the effect it has on us. Good or Bad. What we're thinking about can encourage us or defeat us. Can make us happy or depressed. Scripture says,
"As A Man Thinketh, So Shall He Be."
Your mind can be reprogrammed for the better. We don't realize how our thoughts have a physiological effect on our brains. See what takes place in the brain from a thought. New Neuron Pathway by Dr. Dispenza. Check out some of his videos on YouTube
We need to be careful about what we tell our children, or what they may pick up from others. What they hear goes into there belief system.
Good or Bad.
How we perceive things can cause a false belief and that false belief can cause problems that will last a lifetime.
Give your child good positive suggestions and they will respond to it.
Scripture tells us NO!
Would you want your children to be sick?
There are three aspects of our being. Our body, our mind, and our spirit. All three have to be in balance, for a peaceful and healthy life.
Truly a man of God
Never did I know that this would be our last dance. We met at a dance and danced together for 67 years.
This is a true story about a child with a magic hand.
How the subconscious mind works.
It could be your best friend
Your worst enemy.
What is meditation and how can it be used best to help us calm down and relieve stress?
A negative thought can weaken our muscle structure and other parts of our body. Don't let your thoughts control you, you control your thoughts! God gave us a free will to choose.
Passion is something from God. The Bible says "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Those "desires of your heart" are God-given Passions that we are to follow to do His will.
Happiness is something to be cherished
You can heal your own body by truly forgiving someone letting go of the record of wrongs and loving that person
When Jesus says to have a "child-like faith" He doesn't mean to become childish or immature. He means to simplify our understanding like a child. To trust like a child.
You may feel inadequate, insecure, not worthy. You may wonder what is your purpose.? Why are you here? This short story will help you to recognize what you are and not what you thought you were.
This is just one-way stress and worry can cause sickness. The problem we are experiencing is the symptoms, solve the problem, and the symptoms will stop. This is a true example.
You may be your own worst enemy. Don't beat yourself up, other people do a good job at that for you.
What you perceive in your mind, you will manifest it into reality. God or bad, the mind will manifest it.
"Hypnosis, Meditation, Imagery, Visualization, and Yoga are all forms of self-hypnosis.
" A rose by any other name is still a rose."
What is required for healing to take place?
Why do some people succeed and others don't?
Who have you given the authority to rule in your life?
When we say that someone is "pushing my buttons" we need to look at who has our buttons.
Everyone fears something even though the Bible tells us plenty of times "Do not fear"
Unclean spirits can have a big impact on how you act towards other people and how you live your life. Sometimes we don't even know they're around.
Every day, we give power to something, but are we putting power in the right place?
The Thymus Gland resonates with truth, maybe that's what Jesus meant when he said "The Truth will set you free"
There is so much in our lives that we feel like we need to control or fix on our own. We need to learn to trust God with everything.
What we call "reality" or what is "real" is based on what we are taught to believe and what we perceive things to be.
There's something about planting seeds both literally and figuratively, that has a reward after we do our relatively small part of watering and nourishing the seed and let God do the rest. The same thing happens in our lives, what seeds are we planting and are we letting good seeds in?
Are you satisfied with the way your life is? If so, there is no need to watch this video.
The stake that is binding you, could be from the past, or as recent as yesterday. It could be a false belief or something you told yourself. I invite you to pull up the stake that's binding you and stopping you from accomplishing your desires.
If you have a dream or a goal that you want to accomplish, don't tell everyone about everything about your goal. Only share it with people who will encourage you. Don't listen to others opinions. If you want to be successful, hang with successful people.
We look for God in so many places and sometimes cry out to God somewhere, way up in heaven. God is no further than we are. He is around us, in everything and everyone.
We always looking for something to change our lives for the better and never find it. Why? because we are looking for it in all the wrong places. This video will tell you where it is. Check out the entire podcast at
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